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5 Mile Rock

A pinnacle in the middle of the sea.

Maximum depth 45m – Minimum depth 30m
Certification requirements: Advanced Open Water Diver.

This is the deepest dive around Lipe, famous for its stunning huge granite boulders covered with soft corals and giant gorgonian fan corals. This site also has numerous beautiful zebra anemonees. The fish here are bigger than anywhere else, with huge trevallies, great barracudas, big snappers, giant groupers, angelfishes and fat lionfishes and many many more.

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Phone: +66-621-517-672

Koh Lipe Sunrise Beach, Ko Tarutao, Mueang Satun, Province de Satun, Thaïlande

© 2023 by Clem - Forra Dive Resort & Liveaboard - Koh Lipe

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